Texas Must Lead with Universal ESAs

The Lone Star Flag of Texas hangs in an elementary school classroom.

The school choice revolution shines a bright light on an otherwise dire situation caused by COVID and draconian government efforts, including shutting down schools with little to no sound reason. But it woke up a sleeping giant in parents across the country with what little their kids were learning at public schools and how it was time for them to stand up. Since then, parents have spoken loudly and clearly, with more than 30 states now having a school choice program, including 12 states with a universal or near-universal education savings account (ESA) program.

But Texas is not yet on that list.

Texas is the largest red state and has more than 6 million school-age kids but has yet to follow the lead of other states with school choice, even when there is overwhelming support for it. Given the recent primary election victories for school choice proponents against incumbents, which rarely happens, there is an opportunity for a big win in the Lone Star State for students, parents, teachers, and taxpayers.

According to the NAEP test, only 24 percent of eighth graders are proficient in math and 23 percent in reading. Texas’s public education system is failing kids. The time for bold action is now: Texas must embrace universal education savings accounts (ESAs) to reclaim its position as a leader in educational excellence.

As states like Arizona, Florida, and ten other states with universal or near-universal ESAs demonstrate the transformative power of school choice, Texas’s delay in adopting ESAs is becoming increasingly urgent. Amid the heated debate over school choice legislation in Texas, the stark reality is that while these states are witnessing improved student outcomes and a more competitive educational landscape, Texas continues to lag despite pouring billions into public education. 

Despite a $20.3 billion increase in the latest two-year state budget for public education — a 33.3 percent boost — student performance in Texas has stagnated. Less than 20 percent of classroom expenditures reach teachers, with much of the budget consumed by bloated administrative costs. The average classroom receives about $340,000 annually, yet teachers, the backbone of our education system, see only a fraction of this amount in their paychecks. 

This inefficiency is a clear sign that the current system is broken.

Economist Milton Friedman’s vision of school choice as a means to dismantle the government’s monopoly on education is more relevant than ever. States that have implemented ESAs are seeing better student outcomes and improvements in public schools due to the competitive pressure of school choice. 

In contrast, Texas remains stuck in a system that fails to deliver its promises, leaving students underperforming, teachers underpaid, and taxpayers questioning where their money is going. As I recently highlighted in my testimony before the Texas House Committee, this stagnation is untenable.

The economic case for universal ESAs in Texas is equally compelling. 

By moving to an ESA model, Texas could reduce its per-student spending from $17,000 for 5.5 million students at public schools to $12,000 for all 6.3 million school-age kids, potentially saving taxpayers $18 billion annually. These substantial savings could then be returned to Texans through lower property taxes, providing much-needed relief as the cost of living rises. 

Moreover, a competitive education system would compel schools to pay quality teachers more, with estimates suggesting salary increases of up to $28,000 annually. The benefits of ESAs extend beyond education; they represent a broader commitment to economic freedom and efficient use of taxpayer dollars.

Recent primary election results show that public support for school choice is overwhelming. 

Yet, despite this mandate, Texas lawmakers have not acted. The path forward is for Texas to pass a universal ESA bill that gives every parent the freedom to choose the best educational environment for their children. This is about more than just improving education — it’s about empowering parents, raising teacher salaries, and ensuring that our taxpayer dollars are spent wisely.

Beyond education, the benefits of ESAs would reverberate throughout the Texas economy. 

A well-educated, adaptable workforce is essential for maintaining Texas’s competitive edge in attracting businesses and fostering innovation. By providing students with the education that best suits their needs, ESAs prepare them for success in a rapidly changing job market, support higher property values, and spur job creation.

Having grown up in a low-income, single-mother household in South Houston, attending private, public, and home schools, I understand firsthand the transformative power of educational choice. Texas has always been a leader, but the state is falling behind in education. 

Texas must stop following and join the school choice journey across the country to ensure every child has access to a high-quality education tailored to their unique needs. The future of our children, teachers, and economy depends on it. It’s time for state lawmakers to act in every state so universal ESAs become not just a revolution but the norm, empowering Americans for generations to come.

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